Provo Ponies has been a functioning riding stable since 2001 but it did not begin as a business. It started as a rescue operation for horses and ponies in the TCI. Camille Slattery and few close friends began by purchasing 7 Paso Fino's, originally from the D.R. from a man who had shipped them here, to Providenciales. His intention was to provide a horseback riding facility for residents and tourists. Unfortunately, many people who get involved with horses think it is an easy task to maintain them. Not so, especially when you live on an island with no soil to grow grass or hay or grains, and no natural source of freshwater. Hay and grain need to be imported from other countries. Training horses is also not an easy task for the inexperienced or ill-equipped. Sadly, many horse owners resort to abuse, for uncooperative horses. Most of these Paso Fino's had obvious signs of abuse. In addition to being malnourished, dehydrated and abused, they were not provided with any shelter from the elements, the sun being the primary one here in Provo.
So, after enough time had passed. These once healthy looking Pasos were almost to the point of complete disrepair. It was then that Camille and a few friends put some money together and bought the horses from the owner. Hercules and Sampson went to one friend, Cowboy and Hero to another, Marley to another, and Camille took the last two, Rapido and Dreamer. Rapido would become the pony that her children learned to ride on, as well as a friend to Daisy, a little roan mare that Camille had been given years earlier.
After some time had passed, and all the horses were well on their way to recovery, Camille ended up taking in Cowboy, Hero, Sampson and Hercules. It was then that she realized that these now strong horses were too young for retirement, and would have to work to earn their keep. With the help of some close friends on the island who had previous riding experience, the horses began to get regular exercise so they'd be fit to ride by just about anybody. Thus the beginning of Provo Ponies.
Since then, Camille and her family have taken in and purchased horses, ponies and donkeys who needed a home, a little TLC and a sense of purpose. Of course, we have lost some along the way but those we lost were given a second chance and were loved intensely and lived long happy and healthy lives.
We now have 30 horses and ponies, a few youngsters in training, a few we only use for lessons or as guide horses and a few that are retired. For pictures and more info on each horse please read our MEET OUR HORSES page. There are thousands of animals out there that could use a second chance. Our animals prove their gratitude every day with their eagerness and hard work. They are amazing animals and they will never be taken for granted again.